Jan 20, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Special Programs

Directed Study

Internships and Career Field Experiences

Zane State Exchange Program

Lifelong Learning Program

Directed Study* 

A Directed Study permits students, under special circumstances, to enroll in an existing course at an alternative time to the class schedule. This requires a course contract with a cooperating faculty member and approval by the Provost. The contract specifies required meeting times, readings, writing assignments, studio, or laboratory work. Only students who have earned 60 credit hours are eligible to take courses by directed study. Students may register for directed study courses through the fourth week of the semester. Additional fees may apply.

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should consult the MAP Guidebook.

Internships and Career Field Experiences

Internships and Career Field Experiences encourage students to apply and extend their learning in real-world contexts. In recent years, Muskingum interns have earned academic credit while learning through experience in law and legislators’ offices, radio and television stations, hospitals, mental health institutions, businesses, and field research sites. These experiences are sponsored by individual academic departments. The Office of Career Services also assists students seeking internships that complement their personal learning goals. The goals, expectations and specific learning requirements are carefully specified in advance to assure good rapport among University staff, the students, and the various cooperating agencies.

Students may initiate internship proposals, but all internships must meet the same minimum standards and be approved by the department chair or program coordinator, supervising professor, and Provost’s Office prior to the beginning of the experience or within two weeks of the beginning of the experience. To be eligible for an Internship, a student must have achieved junior standing (60 hours) prior to the internship and must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA. A minimum of 40 work hours combined with readings and written projects or papers is required for each semester hour of credit. Internships are graded S/U. Refer to the departmental listing or website for more details about credit, or speak with the department chair. A maximum of 16 hours of internship, including fieldwork in student teaching, may be applied toward graduation and a maximum of 6 hours may be earned in any one semester or summer session. To be eligible for a Career Field Experience, a student must have earned a minimum of 28 credit hours prior to the beginning of the experience and must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. A minimum of 40 work hours combined with readings and written projects or papers is required for each semester hour of credit, with a maximum of 2 credits allowed per experience.

Zane State Exchange Program

This exchange program is to provide students with academic opportunities not available on their home campus.  Students enrolled full-time at MU may apply to take a course tuition-free at Zane State College subject to the following limitations:

  • Participation is subject to the limitations of the exchange agreement, including total number of students participating, between Muskingum University and Zane State College.
  • Each student may complete up to three courses during their college tenure. 
  • Participation in the program requires: 
    • Full-time and continued registration at the home institution; 
    • Second year standing at the home institution; 
    • Good academic and social standing at the home and host institutions; 
    • Payment of tuition to home institution; 
    • Payment of cost of transportation, books, and incidental fees;
    • Compliance with regulations of the host institution; 
    • Request of transcript from the host institution in accord with host institution’s policy. 
    • Application must be submitted at least 1 month prior to the start of the term in which course will be taken
  • Exchange Program is only available for Fall and Spring Semesters. 
  • Approval of the application by the student’s advisor and the University Registrar

Lifelong Learning Program

Alumni holding baccalaureate degrees from Muskingum University are eligible to take further undergraduate coursework at Muskingum University at no tuition cost. Alumni must apply for admission as a non-degree seeking student for which there is no charge. Upon readmission, alumni are entitled to enroll tuition-free in one course of up to four credit hours during the fall or spring semesters (May term and MAP terms are excluded). Enrollment is limited to regularly scheduled undergraduate courses, on a space-available basis. Not all classes will meet the guidelines for the LLP (please check with the Registrar for limitations). Courses leading to teacher licensure of professional certification are excluded. Following registration by tuition paying students, enrollment will be granted in any course which meets minimum enrollment and which has not reached the maximum enrollment at the time established by the University for confirming status of offerings. The waiver excludes any course charges covered by federal or state financial assistance in grant form for which the student is eligible. Students are governed by existing academic policies.

Enrollment is for post-baccalaureate continuing education credit and does not affect the individual’s undergraduate or graduate academic record of completed credits or cumulative grade point average.